Board Examination Preparation Tips & Tricks

How To Write a Board Exam

The time of the exam is most important in the life of all the students, students who perform whatever they study perform in a written examination. Board examination preparation tips or tricks. In this examination, a student gets more marks and any student gets fewer marks, due to the student’s talent, knowledge, confidence, and handwriting. It is not difficult to score well in the written examination, just planning and some techniques are required. If you do not have information about this, then this page is being prepared to prepare for the written examination and get a number.

Eat Nutritious Food

At the time of the examination, you will have to eat nutritious food. This will help reduce your mental pressure.

Check Here- UP Board 10th Date Sheet

Reduce Mobile Usage

At the time of the paper you will have to keep your mobile away, so while preparing the paper, do not let your attention go anywhere. If you keep the mobile with you, then you should keep it in silent mode, you should stay away from the social media. |

Read- How To Prepare For Written Exam

Learn from mistakes

While preparing for a written examination, you should not ignore your mistakes, you must learn from every mistake. You will not have to repeat the mistake in any way.

Download here- UP Board 12th Date Sheet 

Important question

In the preparation for a written examination, you should make a list of important questions which are asked in almost all exams, if you prepare all these questions then most of your questions are asked.

Short trick

You will have to use short tricks to remember the answers to the questions. It helps you to solve the paper. For any questions you are missing, you can make short tricks accordingly.

How to write in Board exam

•             Preparation should be good for getting good marks in any exam. For this, you have to solve the old question paper. From the old question paper, you will get the right information about the level of exams and the correct information about how many multi-choice, over-the-counter, minor answers, and detailed answer questions will come in the paper.

•             Now you will have special attention on one-answer questions because you get full marks in it, if all your multiple choice questions are corrected, then it will provide a lot of help in your total score.

•             After solving the multiple choice, you should solve the question overhead. Here you will have to pay attention to the error in words. If all your words are correct then whole points are also provided in it.

•             While solving short answer questions, carefully read the question twice, here you have to see, what has been asked in the question, you have to write only the things asked under the word boundary. With this, you can be expected to get full points, but if your handwriting will not be beautiful, then your points will be deducted.

•             Now you should do a detailed answer question. Before doing the antics, you should get information about the time remaining, according to that, you should solve all the questions fast. Here your handwriting is good, so you can overtake other students, otherwise, you can stay behind.

•             The longer the balance is left, you have to solve all the questions at the same time, it gives information about your ability. This is to learn when you solve the model paper, the more practice you will take, the better you will get in the exam.

•             You will have to learn time management while solving the question paper.

How to get more numbers in Written Examination

In order to prepare for the written examination, you must understand the syllabus, and accordingly, you should start your preparation.

•             You should practice by writing the answer to the question. This will correct the flow of your hands so that you can solve the problem with speed.

•             You will have to try to understand the answer instead of the answer, this will remind you of the answer quickly.

•             You have to create a timetable and set a fixed time for each question and you will have to take care of that timeframe while solving the model question paper.

•             Your writing should be good.

•             The answer to the question in question should be answered.

•             While writing an answer, the heading and paragraphs will have to pay special attention, which can be understood quickly.

•             Your language should be simple.

•             When writing, give special attention to complete breaks, short breaks, question marks etc., this can attract you to the examiner.

•             When writing the answer, you must explain the diagram and the formula clearly. This will give you more points than others.

Final Words

Here we have provided information about how to write in the board exam, and get more numbers in Written Examination, if this type of motivational article is available, Career Tips Educational News is available on our portal, sharing can be and you will be waiting for us must ask, your feedback and suggestions via the comments box | If you like this article then definitely like our Facebook page.